The Criminal Justice System in the United States

Product Details
Author(s): Charisse TM Coston
ISBN: 9781680750195
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2015
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
The Criminal Justice System in the United States



Table of Contents

Section 1:

Chapter 1: What Is Criminal Justice?

Chapter 2: Common Law, Modern Crimes, and Methods of Crime Reporting

Chapter 3: the Criminal Justice System as a System or a Nonsystem?

Chapter 4: Criminology and Deviance

Chapter 5: Exposure to Risk, Vulnerability, and Modern Theories of Victimization

Section 2: The Police

Chapter 6: Law Enforcement Agencies, Early development of Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement in the United States, and the Criminal Investigator

Chapter 7: Police Work-Stages of the Process: Police (Investigat5ion, Arrest-Standard of Proof and Booking

Chapter 8: Contemporary Law Enforcment Issues

Chapter 9: Policing and the Fear of Crime

Section 3: The Courts

Chapter 10: The Role Players

Chapter 11: Stages of the Criminal Justice Process

Chapter 12: The Criminal Trial

Section 4: Corrections

Chapter 13: History of Corrections

Chapter 14: History of Imprisonment

Chapter 15: Prison Overcrowding and the Prison Riots

Chapter 16: Special Category Offeders and Offenses

Chapter 17: Sexual Exploitation

Chapter 18: Inmate Subcultures and Coping Strategies

Chapter 19: Treatment Modalities in Prison

Chapter 20: Prisoner/Exofferder Rights

Chapter 21: Probation/Parole

Chapter 22: Capital Punishment

Chapter 23: Trends in Criminal Justice