Criminology: Studies in Theory and Typology

Product Details
Author(s): Edward Shihadeh
ISBN: 9781615495429
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2012
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Criminology: Studies in Theory and Typology



Table of Contents

1.1: Overview of Criminology

1.2: Crime Statistics

1.3: Offender/victim characteristics

1.4: Race and Crime

1.5: Latinos and Crime

1.6: Early Perspecitves on Crime

2.1: Strain Theory

2.2: Robbery

2.3: Differential Association

2.4: Professional Crome Part I

2.5: Professional Crime part II

2.6: Neutralizations: Gresham Sykes and David Matza

2.7: Business Crime

2.8: Opportunity Theory: Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin

2.9: Homicide

2.10: Southern Subculture of Violence

2.11: Social Control Theory

2.12: The Social Ecology of Crime

3.1: Conflict and Radical Perspectives on crime

3.2: Predictive Sentencing