Introduction to Human Evolution

Product Details
ISBN: 9781615490950
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2014
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Human Evolution


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Evidence of Evolution

Chapter 2: Mendelian Genetics and the Modern Synthesis

Chapter 3: DNA and Molecular Anthropology

Chapter 4: Living Primates

Chapter 5: Fossils and Extinct Primates

Chapter 6: Our Earliest Humans

Chapter 7: Humans Disperse: Homo erectus and Sibling Species

Chapter 8: Almost Ourselves: Archaics and the arrival of Homo sapiens sapiens

Chapter 9: Arriving in the New World: Peopling of the Americas

Chapter 10: Altering our Environment and Altering Ourselves: The Agricultural Revolution

Chapter 11: Modern Human Variation