Introduction to Animal Agriculture

Product Details
Author(s): Elizabeth Karcher
ISBN: 9781644966709
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Animal Agriculture


About the Author
Elizabeth Karcher

Elizabeth Karcher is a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at Purdue University. She joined the faculty as Undergraduate Programs Coordinator for the Department of Animal Sciences in 2016. One of her favorite things about her position is the interaction with her students. Karcher's teaching journey began with her first position in 2008 and believes engagement with materials is critical for students to develop an interest in the subject area. As an instructor of an introduction to animal agriculture course, Karcher strives to engage her students in the learning process and create relevant and timely course material. The world of animal sciences is fascinating! We are challenged with the task of feeding a population that is projected to be 9.8 billion by 2050. As more students are removed from agriculture, it is imperative that students are excited about the content early in first-year classes. We need to spark interest in students to think globally about agriculture if we want to meet the challenge of feeding an increasing world population.

Table of Contents

Animal Science Basics

Future Needs of Global Animal Production

Reproductive Physiology

Nutrition and Digestive Systems

Animal Behavior and Welfare

Meat Science


Animal Protein Systems

Dairy Management

Beef Management

Small Ruminant Management

Swine Management

Commercial Poultry Management



Specialized Animal Systems

Zoo Management

Equine Management